About Us
We are passionate about speeding up the house buying and selling process
We work closely with all Stakeholders in the Home Moving process to drive maximum efficiencies and support better Collaboration for all involved.
Property Searches Direct is helping to improve the experiences that people have when moving home. We help Home Buyers to turbo charge their purchase transactions by buying their Searches right at the start of the transaction and genuinely firing the starting pistol for the conveyancing process. ​
We help conveyancers to improve upon their levels of customer service with our brand 'Conveyancer Insights'. This enables them to clearly identify how they can improve with client engagement and deliver better experiences. We also help to celebrate great conveyancing services across England and Wales with our brand 'Instruct A Conveyancer'.

Daniel Hamilton-Charlton
CEO and Founder
e: daniel@propertysearchesdirect.co.uk
Dan started in the property industry in 1994 and has been involved in Estate Agency, Panel Management of Property and Legal Transactions, Legal Service Provision, Web Design, Searches and Legal Technology.

Mike Stainsby
Commercial Director
e: mike@propertysearchesdirect.co.uk
Mike's property career started in 1984 and has encompassed estate agency, DEA training, property franchise sales and business development, more latterly provision of technology platforms to deliver searches'