We aim to be the best Estate Agents in our area...
...So we won't let Searches delay your purchase
In a recent trial, it was shown that purchasers that buy their Searches right at the start of the transaction and demonstrate their commitment to the property are more likely to be the successful bidder as a ‘stand out’ buyer, will most likely halve the transaction timescale and significantly reduce the risk of the seller entertaining anyone else.
This is why we are providing you with Direct access to getting your search order underway as soon as you are ready to proceed.
The Search Pack includes the three documents required by your conveyancer and lender, whilst providing you with vital information about the property you are buying. The easy-to-read reports deliver enhanced guidance to both you, your conveyancer and lender. Our Pack also includes a Chancel Indemnity Policy for additional peace of mind.
Please use the link below to get your Search order underway now and give your conveyancer a copy of this PDF to confirm what you are ordering.
Remember to tell your conveyancer NOT to order these for you as copies of all reports will be sent to you and your conveyancer as they complete.